Ocean State Golf Society

Ocean State Golf Society


Ocean State Golf Society (OSGS) was founded in 2020 with the goal of connecting Rhode Islanders with the history of the game by showcasing stories from our past and offering tournaments that give a glimpse into how different golf was in previous eras. The OSGS is not exclusively a "hickory golf" organization -- rather the group wants to make golf fun while connecting Ocean State golfers to the history of the game.

The organization hosts an annual tournament -- the Gold Mashie Tournament -- that is a reincarnation of a tournament that was last played in 1928 and drew some of golf's biggest names to the nation's smallest state. The 2020 Gold Mashie Tournament was played at Wanumetonomy Golf and Country Club, an 18-hole Seth Raynor design from 1922 in August. Find more information about OSGS events on our Schedule of Events page.

Founding Members

Louis Falcone -- Hickory golfer, club repair, and researcher of Rhode Island's golfing history.

Nathan Limbach -- Classic/Persimmon golfer and golf architecture enthusiast.

Jon Pannone -- Golf professional and owner of Spargo Golf club fitting studio. Plays hickories, persimmons, and modern clubs.

The Gold Mashie Trophy -- a replica of the original is up for grabs at the inaugural Gold Mashie Tournament in August.

Connect and Contact

To contact the Ocean State Golf Society, you can email Louis Falcone at LFalc23@gmail.com.

For more information on the Gold Mashie Tournament, contact the.gold.mashie@gmail.com.

Visit the OSGS website (www.oceanstategolfsociety.com), or follow Louis Falcone (@ri_hickory_golf) and Jon Pannone (@spargogolf) on Instagram.